Saturday, August 9, 2008

Your daily dose of cuteness…


Mamma Mia…


It was girl’s night out yesterday, Janet, Aggie and I went to see Mamma Mia, and then to dinner. 

Okay, where do I start.  First of all I’ve always been a Meryl Streep fan.  Several of my friends are turned off of her now because of her political beliefs, but I don’t know enough about that to even comment..  I just think she’s a huge talent, and whether you liked this movie or you didn’t, the woman did a pretty darned good job at singing and dancing, considering that’s not her forte,

She’s my age, and I would KILL to look half as good as she does.  If she’s had work done, its been subtle, her aging process seems pretty much on target for somebody in her late 50’s.  And while she isn’t athletic looking at all, she’s toned and fit, and limber.  She had a great bod for an old gal, I thought.  She probably had in hair extensions, but it looked wonderful, but then I love that bohemian look anyway, so maybe I’m prejudiced.  She looked exactly like I would love to look at this age, and dressed exactly like I would like to also. *huge sigh*

There doesn’t seem to be any middle ground with this movie, you either love it or hate it.  Nisha and Mandi saw it, loved it, Lindsay and Jessica saw it, Linds called me just howling with laughter because she thought it was so bad.

Okay, so it wasn’t so great, in fact it was pretty cheesy.  These women are old now, but so what.  It was entertaining, the tunes brought back good memories, the scenery was fantastic, the ocean the loveliest shade of turquoise, ever.  It was an escape, a 90 minute vacation.  I liked it.  I really did…

And I know, I’m shallow, I go to the movies to see the clothes, the hair, the scenery, not the story line.  It had a lot of what I like, the men, however, not so much.  Pierce Brosnan was not good, he couldn’t sing, the other two male leads, B-O-R-I-N-G.  I’m coming to the conclusion that old women are much more fun than old men.

Favorite scene:  Her daughter, dressed adorably, I might add, in her wedding dress, with fleurs in her hair, riding a donkey up the mountainside to a chapel on a candle lit trail. 

They nailed that scene perfectly…

Friday, August 8, 2008

Another blast from the past...

The year was 1965, I was fifteen years old, and I thought Sally Fields was so cool. I loved her hair and wanted mine to look exactly like hers, especially her bangs. I remember drooling over her clothes, too... Oh, this brings back memories for me, I bet it will for you, too…

And here's the original Gidget, Sandra Dee. The quality of this clip isn't the greatest, but oh, Sandra Dee was stunning. She was so fresh faced, so sweet and innocent... Not like today, when actresses look like little hookers by the time they are fifteen...

And then in 1969, Karen Valentine did a Gidget remake. She just didn't have it like the other two, in my opinion, but if you are on a totally Gidget trip down memory lane by now, you might enjoy giving this a watch, also...

My little bedheads….


This picture proves that we aren’t the only ones that look rough in the morning….  My usually cute little fur kid are looking like they had a hard night… Check out the tongues, for some reason, both of them usually have them lolling out of their mouths….

Thursday, August 7, 2008

And this was my day….

My favorite scrapbook doodad designer, Mo Jackson, released a new set of elements this week, so I bought them, played with them, and made a new index page for, I wanted it to look really vintage, like a late summer card.

It didn't look quite right, so I sent the work in progress to to my buddy V, and she helped me fine tune it, and guess what, I like it, I really like it… Click on it and it will enlarge or you can visit all of my pages by going to and clicking on all the vintage vertical tabs on the right….
~ jan

Lots of cuddling going on here…


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lil’ Cheddar Meat Loaves

Okay, ladies, Judy sent me this recipe today, she says they are amazing, and since I adore meat loaves of any kind, as does Ryan, and Nisha, and I’m sure a whole lot more of you, this is a must try.

I posted the recipe on Jan Can Cook – you can access it by clicking HERE…

Enjoy ~ jan

We’re back…

Mags was such a trooper, there were a lot of stitches to pull out of that little tummy… But she handled it like a champ.

Today was Mollie’s surgery, also and we picked her up and brought her home. She’s groggy and whimpering, but as long as I have my hand on her she’s quiet. Guess what I’ll be doing all evening??? You got it, sitting in a chair, reading, with her bed in my lap....

Ahhhh, Yorkie love…

Only one more trip to Dr. Laura, I promise, Maggie….


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lucky Jeans and Chanel ballet flats… AND Cindy McCain...

I just read an article about Cindy McCain driving around a NASCAR track in a Corvette convertible going 100mph+! She said she wouldn't say exactly how fast she was going because she didn't want her husband to know, but that it was triple digets. YOU GO GIRL!!! AND, she did this wearing a pair of white Lucky Jeans and a pair of Chanel ballet flats…

Now that’s my kinda woman. A trendy first lady, wouldn’t that be fun?????

Wait, wait, don't get in an uproar because I mentioned the "F" word... She's also philanthropic, a savvy business woman, and she seems like a compassionate caring mother and a genuinely nice person. Fun is a bonus...

And since we're in the middle of this, am I a McCain supporter, not really, but consider the alternative.... So yeah, I guess this democrat is a McCain supporter...

It’s been a good day….

Today is our anniversary, 37 years now, hubby wasn’t scheduled to work, we went to breakfast, then to my favorite chinese restaurant, Yen Ching, for a late lunch, then to a matinee.

There wasn’t much to chose from, nothing at the Cinemaplex that rang our chimes, so we went to the second run movie theater and saw It Happened In Vegas.  It was perfect, a silly little comedy that made us laugh, and me, not hubby, drooled over Cameron Diaz’s body.  That girl has the PERFECT shape, she wears great clothes, I have always loved her boyish, no boobs, look…  She looks exactly like I would have liked to have looked at her age, and she is the exact opposite of how I really looked. 

And what was the big anniversary present???  We bought a windshield for Milly.  Yep, worked for us…  Well, actually I also got a new comforter for our bedroom to coordinate with the quilt and pillows I bought this spring.  Yeah, I know, pictures…. Later, gator’s…

Monday, August 4, 2008

Julie Andrews Turns 69, this is hysterical


To commemorate her birthday , actress/vocalist, Julie Andrews made a       
special appearance at Manhattan 's Radio City Music Hall for the benefit   
of the AARP.   One of the musical numbers she performed was 'My Favorite   
Things'  from the legendary movie 'Sound Of Music'.   Here are the lyrics 
she used:                    

  (Sing It!)  - If you sing it, its especially hysterical!!!      

Botox and nose drops and needles for knitting,                             
Walkers and  handrails and new dental fittings,                           
Bundles of magazines tied up in string,                                   
   These are a few of my favorite things.

Cadillacs and cataracts, hearing aids and glasses,                         
Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses,                         
Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings,                           
   These are a few of my favorite things.  

When the pipes leak, When the bones creak,                                 
  When the knees go bad,                                                   
I simply remember my favorite things,                                     
      And then I don't feel so bad.   

Hot tea and crumpets and corn pads for bunions,                           
No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions,                             
Bathrobes and heating pads and hot meals they bring,                       
     These are a few of my favorite things.     

Back pain, confused brains and no need for sinnin',                       
Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin',                       
And we won't mention our short shrunken frames,                           
   When we remember our favorite things.  

When the joints ache, When the hips break,                                 
      When the eyes grow dim,                                               
  Then I remember the great life I've had,                                 
       And then I don't feel so bad.                                       
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >             
Ms. Andrews received a standing ovation from the crowd                     
that lasted over four minutes and repeated encores

This pretty much says it all…


Electile Dysfunction: the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for President put forth by either party in the 2008 election year.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Couldn’t resist, another Maggie post…

Here I go again, talking about Maggie.  I can’t help myself.  Miss Maggie Moo is full of spit and vinegar, she’s actually skipping thru the house, she’s eating well, her liver biopsy came back great.  The doctors do, however, want me to keep her quiet for eight weeks until the vein closes, oh my, not an easy feat, when she’s feeling so good.

And that’s my life, this warm Sunday in August.  It’s going to a hot one in Heavensville, upper 90’s for the next couple of days,  Hubby’s off, maybe we’ll beat the heat in a theater.

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