Yep, more snow in Heavensville last night, just a skiff as mom used to say. I saw this picture on Facebook this morning, its ’s funny, just had to share….
Yep, more snow in Heavensville last night, just a skiff as mom used to say. I saw this picture on Facebook this morning, its ’s funny, just had to share….
These two are smooth. They’ve been dancing together for thirty years...
My friend, Trish, took the picture of this little Titmouse sitting on a tree branch by her front window today. Doesn’t it just make you smile, looking at that sweet little face. And yes, she’s feeding him...
I talk about this site so often, but it’s such a nostalgia rush, going there takes me back to a simpler time.
I was browsing their online catalog yesterday, talk about a blast from the past, I didn’t even know you could buy this stuff anymore.
Here’s their link if you want to see more.
Humor me, let me pretend it’s a warm spring day, driving through the country, the top down, with a bag of Cheetos, an icy soda and Maggie in my lap. Could it really get any better????
And a little John Denver to help get me there….
Awwwwww, say it ain’t so, they’ve been married for thirty-nine years. Guess love didn’t keep them together after all...
I was going through pictures, found this one of Maggie from last fall when we were in Gatlinburg. She . is . just . so . darned . cute!
If you’re a regular reader, you know that there is nothing that hubby loves more than a tag sale or an auction, both of which I’m not a fan, but the man does bring me home good stuff.
Last night, despite the fact that it was colder than a well digger’s butt in Heavensille, he went to the auction and came home with this vintage orange-red topped dispenser. It must have been made for sugar, because when you flip the top, it has a little round hole you pour out of. It was new, still had the yellowed product information sheet inside, and I would guess it’s circa 1950’s.
It’s now sitting on my bar next to my rooster napkin holder that he bought for 50 cents. I whitewashed it, sanded it, and voila, it’s a goodie. And the cost of last night’s find - $2.00. I was a happy camper when he came carrying this inside.
The salt and pepper shakers are from Decor Steals, not a deal, but still inexpensive, I think I paid $20, but it was one of those things I had to have because there is nothing better than any kind of mason jar in my opinion. Oh, I do love kitchen gadgets, and this was a really good one. It’s all gassed up and ready to go after I washed it and filled it with Swerve Sweetner. It’s a good thing...
Lindsay bundled Abby up and Ry took her out to play in the snow this afternoon. Daddy was so cold, but Abby insisted she wasn’t cold at all. Oh, I remember those days, giggling, happy little boys coming inside smelling like fresh air, all smiles with little red cheeks ready for an afternoon snack. Sure takes me back...
I’m trying really hard to make lemonade out of a lemon day here. Really hard...
It was bath day yesterday at our house and Mags was looking pretty scruffy. She’s a little trooper though, so patient when I comb the snarls out. She’s all clean, getting ready to dry her in this picture, and she’s looking a little rough at this point.
She’s dry now, that topknot is pretty wild.
And just look at her now, sweet little dog. Yeah, I know, she’s gorgeous. Isn’t it awesome what a good hair day does for a little girl dog...
Okay, so by last night I had worked myself into a tizzy. LC was happily enconsed in the den watching hour after hour of the Barrett Jackon car auction, only surfacing long enough to tell me some ridiculously crazy price that was being paid for some stupid car that I had no interest in.
Meanwhile, I was bored to distraction, I was tired of the computer, it was grey, gloomy and damp outside, I finally settled down to watch Orange is the New Black on Netflix, was just getting interested when it stopped and I got an error message on my television that it wasn’t available at the moment. Probably because so many other people were bored that they overloaded Netflix looking for something to do as well.
So then I went on Facebook, p*ssing and moaning about how much I hate winter, and warning the Snowbirds to shut their mouths about being in a warmer climate, got lots of sympathetic responses, too. I think everybody has had it with this gawdawful winter. I look outside and the snow is pelting down, I can’t face cooking one more lowcarb meal, so I go into the den, sit down and pout!
HUBBY TO THE RESCUE. He said, “I’ll just record the auction, let’s just go out to dinner, and forget low carb tonight.” Well I was onboard with that and we were out of the house in a New Yawk minute headed to Deerhead, our favorite haunt. Apparently everybody else in Heavensville was escaping their houses, too because the place was packed and we managed to snag the last table.
After consuming an entire sausage pizza, it was a small one, but still… I was in a carb enduced coma, and felt so much better. We were having such a good time that we decided to go to the movie. Not much was on that interested us, I wasn’t into action, adventure or black comedies, but Last Vegas was playing at the second run theater, it was old guys, so we decided to give it a go.
Oh my, I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been stuck in this house so much, or if the movie was really that good, but we, along with the rest of the audience were absolutely howling with laughter. Robert Deniro, pretty boy Michael Douglas (who his friends called Hazelnut due to his fake tan and dyed hair) Kevin Kline and Morgan Freeman, who still has it, his scene on the dance floor in his red suit was so good! And the love interest, Mary Steenburgen, who looked amazing, and who i’m convinced had hair extensions, oh, she was so good in this movie, too, it was perfectly cast!
Rotten Tomatoes didn’t particularly like the film, but looking at the pictures of the 20-30 something reviewers, I don’t take much stock in what they said. I thought it was funny and entertaining, everything a movie should be. And the best part, my mood is much improved. Maybe I just need to eat pizza and watch movies every day until spring. Here’s the trailer, this movie was such a good time...
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