Saturday, January 14, 2012

Paula Deen has type 2 diabetes


Yesterday, Paula Deen announced she had type 2 diabetes and the internet was all over her like mayo on white bread.  I have never read such negative posts in my life, people were absolutely gleeful, making fun of her, her “supposed” eating habits, and I thought it was just horrid!

Sure the woman is over the top, she cooks with fat, butter and grease, it’s her shtick people.  She’s a broad, not a lady, had she been a lady we wouldn’t be seeing her on television.  I’ve always found her funny, outrageous and her food divine.  I’m a southern woman, I’ve known versions of Paula Deen my entire life.  I cooked exactly like her back in the day, as well as most other people I know.  And it was wonderful, satisfying, glorious, wonderful food.

So for all the naysayers out there that are ridiculing her and the fact that she now has diabetes, shame on you.  This could be your mother, or aunt or someone you love. 

I’m off my soapbox, but I was just livid and had to vent. That is all…

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mother always said….

I find myself saying that a lot to my family and friends.  As I grow older and remember the things she told us, I realize how much she knew just observing nature and the world around her.  My boys talk about Grandma every time we’re together.  It’s the best part of her, I think, reliving  her memory from their perception, because a grandparent is so different with their grandchildren than it is with their children, something I’m finding out with Abby.

Some of the things that she always “said,” we’ll see if they come true this winter.

  • You don’t get big snows when it’s really cold, the biggest accumulations come when the temperatures hover in the high twenties and low thirties.
  • Winter doesn’t really kick in until about the third week in January, then look out.
  • If you have a mild winter on the front end, you pay for it later and spring will be late.

So we’ll see how this pans out, we’re getting snow this morning in Heavensville, 1-3 inches predicted.  It’s not quite yet the third week of the month, but it looks like nasty weather is beginning.  And it’s 32 degrees right now, hmmmmm, just the right temperature, maybe it will be more in the 3” range than the 1” if ma’s predictions hold true.

And, we have had a mild winter thus far, so I hope it doesn’t bring a late spring. It’s only been snowing for an hour, and I already have cabin fever.

We’re tucked in for the day, glad that hubby doesn’t have to drive back and forth to work in this nasty weather.  I  made soup yesterday, so it’s a lazy day here, just playing on the computer, listening to some smooth jazz with a dog in my lap, works for me…

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's a great day to read a book...

It's rainy, cloudy, snow is forecasted for tomorrow, so the girls and I are snuggled in by the fire for the afternoon, me with a mug of hot lemon tea, and I'm reading all about Julia Child and her life in France.

I watched Julie and Julia the other night, decided I wanted to know more about this remarkable woman, so here I sit, enjoying this book immensely. Now if I just had a pot of her boeuf bourgiourgnon simmering on the stove. BON APPETIT!!!

Pioneer Woman's Second Season

 It starts Saturday morning on FoodTv.  I tape it, and hubby has strict instructions to not delete the shows, EVER!


I'm such a fan, I enjoy seeing the kids, Charlie, the ranch. Yeah, I do...

60 Years of Today

This week is Today Show’s anniversary, sixty years on the air, and as of late, I’ve started watching it again.  I was such a fan in the day, loved the Dinah Shore Chevrolet commercials, wasn’t a fan of Dave Garroway but I liked Hugh Downs. I’m so old I even remember when it went from black and white to color!

When LC and I were newly married, we lived in Indianapolis and Jane Pauley was hosting local news on WISH television.  She was cute and perky, and I followed her to the big time on Today.  I continued to watch it until that pompous ass Bryant Gumble became an anchor, I couldn’t tolerate the man or his chipmunk cheeked sidekick, Katie Couric, so I switched to GMA.

But now, with my all time favorite Diane Sawyer absent from GMA,  I’m once again watching Today, especially the 9am timeslot, as I don’t enjoy a Regisless Kelly Ripa, on a competing network.  Without Reeg, the magic is gone. :(  But what I really enjoy these days is the last hour of Today with Kathie Lee and Hoda.  I know, I know, Kathie Lee is annoying, she has always been annoying and always will be, but perhaps she’s mellowed a bit, or I’m a bit more tolerant, or maybe it’s nostalgia because I watched her in my younger years.  It’s campy, like girlfriends getting together without all the backstabbing that The View offers, and I enjoy it.

Here’s a clip from a couple of years ago with Jane Pauley in Indianapolis.  She’s in her 60’s now, and looks amazing.  It’s so nice to see a woman age without all the plastic surgery enhancements.  A long and rambling interview, but I thought you all might enjoy seeing how she looks “today”

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our little Crimson Tide fan…


It started out being such a great morning…

The sun is shining, I slept in, got up, showered, hubby was making breakfast, I wandered into the kitchen, put a K-Cup in my Cuisinart brewer, and NOTHING!  It’s totally DEAD, Fred!  So I had breakfast with hot tea, and it’s good, but it’s not COFFEE!!!!!

So DH, is in the kitchen, taking the blasted thing apart to see if he can figure out what the problem is.  So this song’s for him, he deserves it this morning…

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Slurpee Straws aka Aluminum Straws


This, ladies is the damndest thing I’ve seen in awhile.  Hubby and I were getting gas today, and he comes out of the convenience store with a drink and this straw.  It’s big and fat, it’s aluminum, and it makes every drink you take icy cold.

One sip and I was hooked, oh my it’s amazing.  I came home and Googled it, these are known as Slurpee Straws,  we don’t have 7-Eleven’s in our part of the country, but apparently other convenience store chains have jumped on the bandwagon and are selling them as well.

You know what they remind me of?  If you’re of a certain age, I bet your mom or grandma had an aluminum pitcher and a set of stackable aluminum glasses when you were a kid.  Oh my, did they make your drink cold. 

il_fullxfull.248180482I found these pictures online, talk about a walk down memory lane.  I always drank iced tea out of glasses similar to this when I was a little girl.  Maybe I need to be checking the antique stores and buying them again.

Or maybe I should just enjoy the aluminum straw.  Hey it’s a great straw, it’s icy cold, and best of all it’s red.  Such a cheap thrill chill on a gloomy Sunday afternoon.  I know, it’s a stretch, but there isn’t much to get excited about  in January around here. 

Woohoo, works for me…

Happy Sunday ~ Jan

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