Wednesday, January 11, 2012

60 Years of Today

This week is Today Show’s anniversary, sixty years on the air, and as of late, I’ve started watching it again.  I was such a fan in the day, loved the Dinah Shore Chevrolet commercials, wasn’t a fan of Dave Garroway but I liked Hugh Downs. I’m so old I even remember when it went from black and white to color!

When LC and I were newly married, we lived in Indianapolis and Jane Pauley was hosting local news on WISH television.  She was cute and perky, and I followed her to the big time on Today.  I continued to watch it until that pompous ass Bryant Gumble became an anchor, I couldn’t tolerate the man or his chipmunk cheeked sidekick, Katie Couric, so I switched to GMA.

But now, with my all time favorite Diane Sawyer absent from GMA,  I’m once again watching Today, especially the 9am timeslot, as I don’t enjoy a Regisless Kelly Ripa, on a competing network.  Without Reeg, the magic is gone. :(  But what I really enjoy these days is the last hour of Today with Kathie Lee and Hoda.  I know, I know, Kathie Lee is annoying, she has always been annoying and always will be, but perhaps she’s mellowed a bit, or I’m a bit more tolerant, or maybe it’s nostalgia because I watched her in my younger years.  It’s campy, like girlfriends getting together without all the backstabbing that The View offers, and I enjoy it.

Here’s a clip from a couple of years ago with Jane Pauley in Indianapolis.  She’s in her 60’s now, and looks amazing.  It’s so nice to see a woman age without all the plastic surgery enhancements.  A long and rambling interview, but I thought you all might enjoy seeing how she looks “today”


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