Sunday, January 8, 2012

Slurpee Straws aka Aluminum Straws


This, ladies is the damndest thing I’ve seen in awhile.  Hubby and I were getting gas today, and he comes out of the convenience store with a drink and this straw.  It’s big and fat, it’s aluminum, and it makes every drink you take icy cold.

One sip and I was hooked, oh my it’s amazing.  I came home and Googled it, these are known as Slurpee Straws,  we don’t have 7-Eleven’s in our part of the country, but apparently other convenience store chains have jumped on the bandwagon and are selling them as well.

You know what they remind me of?  If you’re of a certain age, I bet your mom or grandma had an aluminum pitcher and a set of stackable aluminum glasses when you were a kid.  Oh my, did they make your drink cold. 

il_fullxfull.248180482I found these pictures online, talk about a walk down memory lane.  I always drank iced tea out of glasses similar to this when I was a little girl.  Maybe I need to be checking the antique stores and buying them again.

Or maybe I should just enjoy the aluminum straw.  Hey it’s a great straw, it’s icy cold, and best of all it’s red.  Such a cheap thrill chill on a gloomy Sunday afternoon.  I know, it’s a stretch, but there isn’t much to get excited about  in January around here. 

Woohoo, works for me…

Happy Sunday ~ Jan


  1. These glasses were such a treat back in the pre air-conditioning days. Nice memory.

  2. Yes! My mother put our names on the glasses with red nail polish so we'd know which one was ours.

  3. Thanks for enjoying the awesomeness we refer to as "The Worlds Coldest Straw" aka Polar Pipe. I work for the company that imports this little piece of aluminum you mind sharing where you got yours? Or better yet post on our FB page..."worlds coldest straw"


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