Saturday, December 15, 2012

I think we could all use a giggle today…


Friday, December 14, 2012

There are times in our life when there is little joy…


This is one of those days, I simply cannot bear to watch any more television footage of the horrible crime this man committed, killing those innocent little children.  My friend, Mary, posted the following to her Facebook wall.  Well said, my friend…

“I realize that folks of a certain age lament the loss of a more innocent time and feel the world is going to rack and ruin. So it has been for generations---I now feel that this is so. The horror seen in Connecticut today is but one example of the ruin of our society. For those families who kissed their children goodbye this morning not realizing they were kissing their innocence goodbye, profound evil found you this day. I'm so heartbroken for all of you. Thinking of my own grandchildren and being thankful they are safe. May Peace find you in time and may the perpetrators of this horrific crime burn in hell!!!”

Jan's in the kitchen...

Well, actually not yet, but I will be soon.  It's that time of year, making family favorites, sharing recipes with friends, and that's just what I did with all of you today.  I posted an awesome old fashioned Gingerbread Cake recipe on Jan CAN Cook.

Hope you all enjoy!  I'll be back later, I'm going to the kitchen now...

I know, I know, you want the quick link.  Here it is, now go bake some memories!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The woman is a treasure, oh is this a fun thing I have to share with all of you today.  I was messing around on the computer one night a few weeks ago, looking for ah-hem, “older women” videos, and I stumbled upon Tammy and I instantly could relate to the things she was talking about.

Now Miss Tammy, as she calls herself, is a wild and crazy girl.  She’s in her early fifties,  a lovely woman who shares skincare, makeup tips, hair, diet, snippets of her life on her 225+ YouTube videos.  She used to be a cosmetologist and makeup artist, and she shares wonderful tips, especially with her eye makeup.  Plus she uses MAC cosmetics, which are near and dear to most of our hearts, oh you will learn such good things watching her eye videos.

The woman is addictive.  When I first started watching  I didn’t quite get her, but the more I watched the more I liked.  She’s so real, thinks nothing of doing her videos sans makeup, she shares great information, has had no plastic surgery, and often talks in a wacky accent.  She’s just a good time gal, that crazy Miss Tammy.  And the woman is beautiful, inside and out.

So, here’s one of her videos, subscribe to her YouTube Channel, then when you’re bored and have nothing to do, watch a few of her videos and see if you, too, don’t become addicted.  She has a lovely home, a great dog, Bindi, her husband Lou, who is never seen, but whom she is adores, she’s just so much fun.  Pinky swear she is, and you know I always share the good stuff.

Enjoy… ~ Jan

Here’s a list of all of her videos…

Give the lady a chance, watch a few of her videos and see if you don’t get hooked. She’s just a breath of fresh air, I always look forward to her newest posts.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Starbucks Cranberry Bliss Bars…


Wouldn’t you love a recipe for Starbucks Amazing Cranberry Bliss Bars.  Seriously, who doesn’t love these?  And who wouldn’t want to make their own at a fraction of the cost???

My daughter-in-law, Lindsay, introduced the real thing to me a few years ago, and it took no time at all to find a copycat recipe online.  They are so, SO good, if you are a fan, do your friends and family a favor and make these!

Here’s the link, enjoy….   ~ jan

Monday, December 10, 2012

Susan Branch’s Christmas Coffee Cake

I’m a huge fan of Susan Branch, she’s such a creative, talented woman, everything she does, illustrations, cooking, gardening, is always so charming.  I follow her on Twitter, and saw a link this morning to her Christmas Coffee Cake, which I put in the sidebar, but then thought you might miss it, and it looks so good, you need to see this!

Cranberries, apples, what’s not to love – here’s the link  ~ Enjoy…

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