Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's a beautiful mornin', Ahhh,
I think I'll go outside a while,
An jus' smile.

It's 60 degrees this morning in Heavensville, no humidity, absolutely gawjus weather. I can see the early sun filtering down on my flowers on the patio. Oh, it's those simple things that get me every time.

Don't you just love early mornings when the world is still? Ry and Linds are home for the weekend, still snoozing, The M&M's had an early breakfast and are asleep in their beds beside me in the sunroom, hubby is off to a rummage sale, and I just "am."

Life will be hectic soon, everybody up for an early morning walk (we walked a mile and a half yesterday.) Who knows, maybe we'll do two miles this morning. My body is responding to all this exercise, my stride is more limber, my muscles loose.

It's perfect at Burdette Park in the mornings. The honkers and the quackers walk the track with the people. They are so gentle, they just amble across in front of you in no hurry to move along. The turtles hide on limbs in the water, hidden by the waterlilies, and the fish splash in the pond.

Mother Nature at her finest... It's a beautiful thing...

Now if I could just go to the Donut Bank for a warm glazed donut and a cuppa life WOULD be perfect. *sigh* Eating healthy sux sometimes...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hubby and I had breakfast El Fresco

Doesn't that sound special? Doesn't it make you think of outdoor cafes, tables with umbrellas, and fleurs in abundance. Well, we could have done that on the patio but....

Our dining 'el fresco" this morning consisted of two fried egg sandwiches (actually egg white sandwich for me) consumed while tooling around on Milly.

Hey, it worked for us......

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Little Monkey...

I haven't posted anything about the M&M's lately. In fact, I haven't posted at all lately and you all are probably getting pretty sick of looking at Queen Elizabeth.

Munchie doesn't have too many antics these days, mostly she just sits around and watches Maggie get in trouble...

Maggie is my little imp, she's like a naughty two year old. LC and I were both gone this morning, he at the foot Dr.'s, but thats a whole other blog, me walking at the track. TOOTS FOR JAN!!!! I WALKED TWO MILES THIS MORNING!!!

So anyway, I come home and Maggie has pulled mouthfuls of my dried hydrangeas from a basket I sit under a desk in the living room, and has them scattered EVERYWHERE. Of course, she has them all over her fur, and Munchie is sitting quietly, like "don't look at me, I didn't do ANYTHING."

I said, "Margaret MooLatte, what have you done???" And does she cower down, does she look remorseful??? Are you kidding, she flips her little butt up in the air, twists around and prances out of the room as if to say, "You aren't the boss of me!!!!" And what do I do, I laugh...

Oh, it was SO funny. I'm such a sucker, I just can't yell at her, when she is so darned cute.

Later, LC comes home and says, boy, I need to run the vacuum. *giggle*

And I talked to my buddy, V, this afternoon and told her that I hope she has hydrangeas this summer, it looks like I'm going to need a new supply, since she is the one who gave them to me in the first place.

And that's it from our house, this rainy Tuesday in Heavensville...

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