No, no, don’t worry, I have no desire to have chickens. I’ve never even liked them, they poop everywhere, they smell and they’re really noisy, the nasty little varmits! But I found this post over on Tales from The Coop Keeper, appropriately titled “Chicken Porn,” and just had to share the picture. I also sent it to my friend, Nan, because she is interested in raising chickens. This coop is from, who else, Martha Stewart, lots more pictures of it at Tales from The Coop Keeper. And while I was at it, I browsed Heather Bullard’s site, as apparently this is where the photo originated – she has a really nice blog. I’m always amazed at the talented women and the blogs they create.
But back to the chickens, apparently Ms. Stewart has had a long love affair with the fowls. This photo dates back to 1976.
I found videos from her show about chickens. In the video I’m going to give you the link to, the second chicken, a Mille Fleur, is the most gorgeous creature, and later in the video you will see a White Silkie, unbelievably beautiful! If you let the video play, the next segment shows chicken lovers. I thought the videos were so interesting, or maybe it’s just the country girl coming out in me. It does pop up often, doesn’t it.
Here’s the click for the videos…
Boy, I really went outside my box with this post didn’t I? You never know what you will see when you click on here. And the chickens fascinate me, even if I don’t want to visit them up close and personal.

And this is proof positive that I once was once obviously a fan. I’m about Abby’s age in this picture, and yes, people say she looks like me, there is a resemblance, it’s the fat little face, but she has her mama’s gorgeous eyes, and she’s so much cuter than I ever was! And speaking of my sweet little granddaughter, I do have news to share, but that’s for another post. For now, just concentrate on these chickens!