This one is for my buddy, V, a die-hard Peep's fan. So funny!!!!
This one is for my buddy, V, a die-hard Peep's fan. So funny!!!!
The city farmers at WS are gearing up for summer with a catalog just chocked full of chicken coops, egg crates and baskets, bee keepers supplies, they have a whole line of goodies for the gentleman/lady farmer ;o
It's enough to make this old(er) country girl chuckle. The younger generation will read this and dream of chickens in their back yard, cute little birds with feathers and fresh eggs, sounds good doesn't it? Even hubby has been trying his darndest to talk my daughter-in-law, Deanna, who is a total sucker for any kind of animal, into a chicken coop. Deanna's on board, John, however, isn't such an easy touch. But why I'm laughing at the idea of all of these people buying chickens and supplies is that they don't realize how nasty chickens are.
First of all, they poop everywhere, including on their eggs. And they don't want you to take their eggs from them, they will peck you! And cleaning dried chicken poop off the eggs can be pretty cky. And chickens are prone to lice, they get hot spots that they scratch and bleed, they lose their feathers, and when it gets hot, oh do they smell!
Of course Williams Sonoma isn't promoting any of this, but if you've spent anytime around chickens, you know what I'm talking about. And I haven't even touched on roosters, who can be downright vicious, and did I mention that they have spurs, and will use them on you if they feel threatened. And they crow, loudly at sunrise! And bees? Oh my, you have to really know what you're doing or they will swarm you and sting you mercilessly. And then they will go to your neighbors and sting them. Yikes!
And that's what I'm smiling about today, the fact that WS can market just about anything, attach pretty pictures and hefty price tags and people fall for it. Here's a link to the catalog if you want to take a peek...
Really??? March 19, 2012 we set a record in Heavensville of 83 degrees. March 19, 2012, we set a record low. I don't know when I've ever been more anxious for warm weather!
If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you know all about my long standing love affair with ditches. I was raised in a little house next to a ditch bank, not a creek, we weren’t trendy in those days, it was a ditch, and I loved it! So much so, that I’ve had a life long love affair with ditches and water ever since.
Fast forward to this past weekend, when my friend Trish showed me an area, unknown to me, drivable to on my golf cart, that has a wonderful ditch. I can drive Milly right up on a little bluff that overlooks it, pop out a lawn chair, and with Maggie in my lap, read a good book, and I’ll be set for many happy afternoons this spring. In fact, this picture reminds me a lot of my beloved ditch. I used to sit on the bridge by the side of our house, perched high above the ditch and sit and dream. The little bluff sits high, and so I can “kind of” recreate my childhood.
You can see the beginning of green in this picture, and if you look really hard, a cardinal is sitting on a branch. This is my kind of living, mother nature at her finest. Oh Trisher, I owe you for finding this spot! Now if it would just warm enough for me to be outside…
I've made such good friends online, people that I would have never known existed had it not been for Jan's Daily Dish.
My friend, Holly, is from Oklahoma and is such a talented lady. Holly read my blog, contacted me and we've become great friends! She makes the loveliest cards, very original, very intricate, every one is a work of art and just beautiful. She sends them to me and I save every one of them, they are a treasure. I put them on my bulletin board and it makes me happy just to look at them. This is the St. Paddy's Day card she sent. Isn't it wonderful? This one has a painted background with torn pieces of paper that she stamped, painted, and glittered, it's so special!
My world is a better place thanks to friends like Holly. Just puts a smile on my face on this yet another gloomy, cold dreary day. Thanks so much, Holly, you are the best!
Some things are worth posting again, and this is one of them. I first told you about this last August, how to use a simple solution of water, Prell Shampoo and alcohol to make this great cleaner. I continue to use this daily and it's just the best, ever. It works so well, it's environmentally friendly and it costs next to nothing. I even keep a little bottle of the solution to clean my reading glasses with.
I buy green squirt plastic bottles at Dollar Tree, and keep them on hand. I'm always sending a bottle home with my friends, it's a great little gift that everybody can use.
It cleans windows, stovetops, stainless appliances, countertops, the only thing I don't use it on is computer screens and showers and tubs. Showers and tubs need a stronger solution to cut the soap scum.
So for those of you who missed this post, here's the mixture again. And for those of you who can't find Prell Shampoo, it's usually available at Dollar Tree.
1 pint rubbing alcohol
2 tablespoons Prell Shampoo (can be hard to find, but they have it at Dollar General)
A gallon milk jug
Put the alcohol and Shampoo in the gallon milk jug and fill with water. That’s it, then just fill a squirt bottle and you’re good to go.
I'm making breakfast this morning, have FoodTV on in the kitchen and Paula Deen and her long suffering husband, Michael, were cooking in the kitchen. Talk about a bull in a china shop, the poor man was so out of his element. He was a good sport, though, he was trying and Paula was talking about how funny he was. Trust me ladies, the man wasn't funny.
But the "kicker" was the ending, when he was sent off to see his buddies toting packages of brownies. Paula yelled out, "don't let the door knob hit ya where the good lord split ya." Oh my, it was classic ladies, classic! What people won't do for money!
Still laughing...
If I don't find a pot of gold today I'll settle for a pot of coffee.
What a horrid St. Paddy's Day it is in Heavensville. Gloomy, rainy, cold… Will spring ever come?????
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