Monday, March 18, 2013

The Internet has made my world a better place...

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I've made such good friends online, people that I would have never known existed had it not been for Jan's Daily Dish.  

My friend, Holly, is from Oklahoma and is such a talented lady.  Holly read my blog, contacted me and we've become great friends!  She makes the loveliest cards, very original, very intricate, every one is a work of art and  just beautiful.   She sends them to me and I save every one of them, they are a treasure.  I put them on my bulletin board and it makes me happy just to look at them.  This is the St. Paddy's Day card she sent.  Isn't it wonderful?  This one has a painted background with torn pieces of paper that she stamped, painted, and glittered, it's so special!

My world is a better place thanks to friends like Holly.  Just puts a smile on my face on this yet another gloomy, cold dreary day.  Thanks so much, Holly, you are the best!



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