Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Decor Steals Cow...



 So yesterday hubby made the dreaded hole in the cabinet front.  It was quite an ordeal, I couldn’t decide if I wanted her higher or lower or centered, thank goodness he was patient, because he was only going to make one little hole, but, whew,  I got her in the right spot.  And whats the verdict, do I like her????  Do I???   Yep, I really do.  Now she did stare at me this morning when I was eating breakfast at the bar.  She was probably checking me out because I was eating bacon :)

Okay, so I’m a little overboard, that’s the way I role.  And yes, I know I have a lot of “stuff” on my counters, I like it that way.  

Now that we have all of that over with, let’s get on with her name, it’s a goodie.  Are you ready????

Ladies, meet... CLOVER 

Clover the cow, my kitchen bovine,  could it get any better than this?  But what do I do now for excitement?  Well, I will just wait every morning for 9am to see if that darned boxwood wreath is showing up on Decor Steals. Or I could get a life, but that’s pretty hard to do in January, so I’ll just go ahead and obsess over that wreath...

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Decor Steals Mounted Farmhouse Cow Head has Arrived!!!

Cow Head Wall Mount | Mounted Cow Head | Cow Heads | Farmhouse Style 2

When I bought her, she wasn’t the “Deal of the Day” or an “Extended Steal” - I just Googled “Decor Steals Cow Head” and she popped up.  Now it says “Sold Out”, maybe I got the last one, I think it was just meant to be.  Anyhoo, she came in the mail last night, hubby held her up to the cabinet and even he admitted she was cute.  That was quite an admission, considering he previously thought she was the ugliest thing he had ever seen.  Just wait ’til she has that boxwood wreath around her neck.  And this spring I’m going to deck her out in a forsythia wreath,  I even have an old cowbell that I’ve had for 30+ years to hang on her, if I can just find it.  And of course in the summer, she needs a pair of cat eyed shades.  I have great plans for this little cow.

And just look at the price, it was awesome.  Some lady is selling them on eBay,  she sold one last week for $75, plus $15 shipping.  $52 shipped to my door versus the $90 she got worked for me…. And no, I’m not going to sell her on eBay.  This one is a keeper, I may even cart her off with me to Shady Acres when the time comes...

Now that we have her, the tricky part is yet to come, because LC has to make a hole in the cabinet front.  Eeeks, neither of us are too thrilled about that, but it has to be done.  And her name, I came up with a great one.  Trust me, it’s a goodie.

So check back tomorrow, I’ll unveil my mounted bovine and her name.  

So excited ~ Jan

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Budweiser Clydesdale Puppy Love Super Bowl 2014 Commercial


Was this the best Super Bowl Commercial of all time?  Seriously cute, but not the best ever, in my opinion.  A little trivia for you, it took eight puppies to make this commercial...

Billy The Rooster...


I’m ending my Down on the Farm Week with a repost from 2011.  This was so much fun, I’ll do it again, maybe a spring flower week, that would be something to look forward to in a few weeks.  ~ Jan

 This picture of me was taken when I was probably about three years old.

We had just moved to the country and Billy was mother’s pet rooster.  Some of my earliest memories are of Billy, he was a gentle soul that mother nurtured from a chick.  

She was an animal lover, always outside animals, though, we never had anything in the house except her canaries.  There were always dogs and cats to play with, chickens, too and the occasional white duck wandering around our yard, and obviously this rooster.

At the risk of sounding like Ma and Pa Kettle, I have to tell you about Billy and how I remember, to this day, him roosting on the back of our couch at night.

Mother was a clean freak, everything was always pristine in our house, but she loved this pet rooster and was afraid a fox would get into the chicken house and kill him, so every night she would spread layers of newspapers on the back of the couch, bring Billy inside and he would roost on the sofa.  I wish I could talk to her about this again, seeing this picture brought back such vivid memories because even though I was really young I remember Billy so well. She must have gotten up at the crack of dawn to let him outside, because no doubt he started crowing when the sun came up.

This must sound odd to you, but remember, it was a simple life, living in our little house by the ditch , and it seemed perfectly normal to have a rooster in our living room.  I told you earlier about  Aunt Idalene who always had baby pigs on her back porch, and how I used to feed them with a baby bottle, and I remember going to a great aunt’s house and she had baby chickens underneath her kitchen table, with chicken wire around the table legs so they couldn’t get out.

I know, that’s a bit much, but she was probably doing that to keep them warm. I remember thinking how awful it was, that old woman with all those baby chickens under the table.  But that aunt was a little bat shit crazy, too. She WAS Ma Kettle.


Monday, January 26, 2015

J-Lo's Diamond Ring


I do think this woman is gorgeous, and even though I’m not into cocktail rings at this age, I’m sure some of the younger readers are.  If you’re loving this ring and don’t have 1.2 mil laying around, you can get a knock-off at Lord & Taylor for $42.

Rhinestone Pave Ring | Lord and Taylor

Here’s the click, go for it...

Are you a farmer's wife, wear it proudly...

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This cute t-shirt is on Zulily this morning for $12.99.  Even though I’m winding down my “Down on the Farm Week”  here on the dish, this is a stretch for me, LC has worn many hats but the closest thing he has come to farming is fussing about planting things in the garden.

But, this might just float your boat, if so, you can pick it up here...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Farm Journal Recipes...

Farm Journal 1921 2

 When I was a young girl, I would eagerly await the monthly issue of Farm Journal Magazine.  Not for the articles, but for the recipes.  I have always loved to cook, always loved cookbooks and the seed was planted at a young age with The Farm Journal.


They published cookbooks, too and Mother bought them because I was so fascinated with their recipes.   Unlike the featured recipes in McCalls or Good Housekeeping, they were “city” magazines, but Farm Journal was country cooking at it’s finest.  I think I still have one or two of these in my collection, someday I need to take them out and make an entire meal from them.


 I just looked online and sure enough, Farm Journal Magazine is still going.  The picture below is the cover for January, and of course it looks nothing like the magazine I remember.  Sadly, no recipes anymore either, and I have no interest in Farmers Sharing Local Gas Prices, or Cow Herd Expansion.  Sometimes I wish things could just be the way they were, but then, I wouldn’t be sitting here at my computer sharing my thoughts with the world on this cloudy Sunday morning in Heavensville, would I...  ~ Jan


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