Sunday, January 25, 2015

Farm Journal Recipes...

Farm Journal 1921 2

 When I was a young girl, I would eagerly await the monthly issue of Farm Journal Magazine.  Not for the articles, but for the recipes.  I have always loved to cook, always loved cookbooks and the seed was planted at a young age with The Farm Journal.


They published cookbooks, too and Mother bought them because I was so fascinated with their recipes.   Unlike the featured recipes in McCalls or Good Housekeeping, they were “city” magazines, but Farm Journal was country cooking at it’s finest.  I think I still have one or two of these in my collection, someday I need to take them out and make an entire meal from them.


 I just looked online and sure enough, Farm Journal Magazine is still going.  The picture below is the cover for January, and of course it looks nothing like the magazine I remember.  Sadly, no recipes anymore either, and I have no interest in Farmers Sharing Local Gas Prices, or Cow Herd Expansion.  Sometimes I wish things could just be the way they were, but then, I wouldn’t be sitting here at my computer sharing my thoughts with the world on this cloudy Sunday morning in Heavensville, would I...  ~ Jan



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