Tuesday, May 5, 2015

How to grow the best tomatoes...


Want to have the best tomato plants in the neighborhood?  I have the secret...

Years ago I had a neighbor and his tomato plants were stunning, while mine were just ho-hum.  He was a sneaky old guy, when I asked him how he grew such beautiful plants, he just smiled and was evasive.  But he didn’t know who he was dealing with, I was determined to find out why he had the bushiest plants in the neighborhood.  I didn’t see him fertilizing, his soil looked normal, what was his secret?

Well, one evening he wasn’t home, and just before dark, I walked through his garden.  Yeah, I did, I wanted to find out what he was doing to grow such lush plants.  And I discovered his secret, and since I always share everything and it’s tomato planting time, here it is.

That old fart was planting two tomato plants in each hole.  It was just that simple.  So then I started doing it, and my tomatoes rivaled his.  I wonder if he ever figured out that I found his secret.  Sometimes you have to outfox the fox, darn that old man anyway...

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