Saturday, April 19, 2014

Still waiting on Peanut...

37 38 week selfiedc


So much for the full moon theory, this grandchild wasn’t ready to make an appearance yet.  And we simply have to quit calling her Peanut, she’ll be here anytime now, and even though her mother is a devoted Snoopy fan, I’m sure she will be ready for us to transition to her real name when she arrives.

Deanna posted this latest pregnancy picture yesterday on her Harris Sisters GirlTalk blog.  

It’s a family weekend for us, Ry and Linds are on the way to our house with those sweet little grandchildren, then they’re off to Nashville tomorrow to spend Easter with John and Deanna, while we’re going to Easter brunch with our friends, Rich and V.

And we’ll be on our way to Nashville very soon now for the arrival of Peanut.

I hope you all have a blessed Easter.  Spring has finally arrived in all it’s glory in Heavensville, I’m so looking forward to Ryan and Lindsay’s arrival, it’s going to be such a fun day here for our family...


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It's a Full Moon over Nashville tonight


If you follow the signs, it’s a full moon tonight and lots of babies are born during a full moon.

It's certainly a widely held belief. It goes back so far, it's unclear where it first took hold, but one thing is for sure: People around the world have a deep faith in the moon's ability to affect human physiology. Giving birth is just one human behavior said to be affected by the full moon. 


It's called the lunar effect, and, as far as births are concerned, the primary explanation for the effect focuses on the moon's gravitational pull. It basically states that much the way the moon's gravity controls the tides, it can control a woman's body. The human body is 80 percent water, after all. And, given that both menstruation and ovulation roughly follow a lunar cycle -- occurring on a monthly basis -- it doesn't seem too far off to think that the moon could have a say in childbirth as well.


 If you were to judge by word of mouth alone, it would seem as if the lunar effect was a sure thing. According to believers, one need only conduct a survey in a hospital to prove the connection between full moons and childbirth.


A ShulmN study broke the month into consecutive three-day periods and found that the three days of a "full moon window" -- the day before, day of and day after a full moon -- had more births than any other single three-day period


A bit early for Peanut, but you never know….


It's certainly a widely held belief. It goes back so far, it's unclear where it first took hold, but one thing is for sure: People around the world have a deep faith in the moon's ability to affect human physiology. Giving birth is just one human behavior said to be affected by the full moon.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Nightgowns, a blast from the past...

Beloved favorites2


The Vermont Country Store has some new products, and of course I was totally enchanted.  I love their nightgown selection.  It reminds me of the gowns of my childhood.  My buddy V had this to say when I sent her the link. 

"It makes me think of taking a bath and getting into bed with clean nighty on a summer day, and listening to a lawmower off in the distance through the open window"

Eileen West Floral Print Nightgown | Garden of Dreams Cotton Lawn Gown

This is the one that brought back so many memories.  Mother used to make my nightgowns and they were very similar to this.  There was nothing in the world better than a fresh nightgown dried on a clothesline, oh the smell of it.  *sigh*

The only thing that’s changed is the price, this little bit of nostalgia will set you back $74.00

$74.00 YIKES!!!!!!!!!!

Here’s the link to their selection.  You have to be of a certain age to appreciate these, but this is what girls used to wear to bed...

Mother was right again this year...


Mom really was a smart lady.  She lived by the signs, read the Farmer’s Almanac religiously, and always said “early Easter, early spring” “late Easter, late spring."

Well obviously she nailed it again this year.  The temperatures have dropped steadily all day, snow showers forecasted and we're dipping to the freezing mark tomorrow night.  Let’s get this Easter show on the road so that it warms up!

You were right again, ma, winter is just not letting go easily.

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