Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween with the Grands...

The grandkids looked so cute this Halloween,  Olaf and Elsa, and our little lamb, Lexi with Izzie the Wonder Pup Lamb and I thought they were all just perfect.  What joy these little souls bring to my life, oh little ones you are all too cute for words.  

XXo ~ Grammie

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Friday, October 31, 2014

Love this kitchen...


I saw this earlier today and just had to share.  Is it not perfection?  Love the coziness, the colors, the details, notice the lamp inside the cabinet.  And of course the roosters, what is it with me and roosters...

Happy Halloween, stay safe and bundle up!


Hubby's latest project...

Pantry organization

My spices are a pain in the patootie.  I have a cupboard for them with staggered shelves, but I constantly knock the front ones over trying to see what’s in the back.  I usually end up having hubby find things for me because I can't reach far enough back.  Waaaaaa

Enter Pinterest.  I have a renewed love affair with Pinterest this month.  Organization is the key, that’s always been my motto, and thanks to just searching pinterest for Jewelry Organization I’ve come up with some great ideas that we’re implementing.  So then I found this pantry door organizer on Pinterest and hubby jumped on it like a hot potato!  It’s his weekend project, building this for the inside of my pantry door.  I’ll let you know how it works out.

And back to Pinterest.  I have a new Jewelry Organization Board if you want to take a look.  So far he’s sprayed an iron shelf with hooks with Old Gold Spray Paint, mounted it in my bathroom and I have a lot of my necklaces hanging from it.  On top I have candlestick holders for my bracelets, and more.  I’ll update with pictures soon.  It’s working great!  On the other bathroom wall I want a picture frame with mesh in it so I  can hang my earrings and maybe another picture frame for rings. But I can’t have just two frames, I need three, so I’ll figure out something else.


I thought this idea was so clever, wine corks with push pins.  Not for me, but somebody was really creative with this one.  You know, back in the day, I thought I used to dream up some pretty creative things, but now realize that I didn’t really have a clue.  I’m constantly amazed at the things people come up with.  It’s so frustrating being old(er) and not having space for all these new ideas.

Oh, the possibilities.

Here’s the click to the board, I know you want to take a peek… ~ Jan

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A smile for you this morning...

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I snapped this picture of bebe granddaughter last weekend in her high chair.  Miss Lexilicious, she's just the berries!  Had to share, it’s a Grammie thing...

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Anybody remember flour sack dish towels?

Flour Sack Dish Towels for Kitchen and More

I was perusing Vermont Country Store’s site this morning.  It had been awhile, I was suffering from withdrawal, and look what I found!

The dish towels of my childhood, snowy white, bleached to perfection, line dried flour sack towels.  Well, Mother’s were perfection, and she made them herself.

She  kept me supplied in them thru the years, and I didn’t realize what I had at the time, but they were just the most absorbent kitchen towels ever.  Mother was a great supplier of all things simple.  Hubby always had a never ending supply of rags for his garage, always washed and cut in precise pieces.  

In the winter, she cut and rolled balls of rags, then had them made into rugs.  I wasn’t a fan, probably because they were the rugs of  my childhood, but I would be today.

She always took simple things and made something productive from them.  I miss her crafts and her dish towels.  Guess my only choice is to buy these from The Vermont Country Store.

Are you old enough to be interested as well?  Here’s the link...



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