I was perusing Vermont Country Store’s site this morning. It had been awhile, I was suffering from withdrawal, and look what I found!
The dish towels of my childhood, snowy white, bleached to perfection, line dried flour sack towels. Well, Mother’s were perfection, and she made them herself.
She kept me supplied in them thru the years, and I didn’t realize what I had at the time, but they were just the most absorbent kitchen towels ever. Mother was a great supplier of all things simple. Hubby always had a never ending supply of rags for his garage, always washed and cut in precise pieces.
In the winter, she cut and rolled balls of rags, then had them made into rugs. I wasn’t a fan, probably because they were the rugs of my childhood, but I would be today.
She always took simple things and made something productive from them. I miss her crafts and her dish towels. Guess my only choice is to buy these from The Vermont Country Store.
Are you old enough to be interested as well? Here’s the link...