I'm convinced that this woman is a National Treasure! She's wholesome, funny, and she's stunningly beautiful at sixty-three years old.
It's a lovely morning in Heavensville, Maggie and I were on the patio, hubby is at a tag sale, I was having my coffee, life was calm, serene, I snapped this picture of Maggie eating her breakfast. Notice the bowl matches the fern. Oh, of course I didn't really color coordinate her breakast with the fern, I just threw that out there ;o). And yes, I know I need to sweep, where did those leaves come from anyway? No, they aren't left over from last year, well, they're not!
So anyway, I was going through my Facebook posts on my iPad and I see that Jeanne Robertson had posted a new video. Now if you aren't familiar with Jeanne Robertson, she is without a doubt the funniest woman I have ever seen in my life. My daughter-in-law, Deanna, introduced me to her humor. Deanna has seen her speak at several company events she attends and she, too is a huge fan. Well, I was instantly hooked, she's a lovely, lovely southern woman, tall, elegant, and she delivers lines with perfection.

So I click on the video, sit back to watch, she's talking about "left brain" who happens to be her husband, that's his nickname. I started to chuckle, then I started to belly laugh, and then I actually cackled, loudly, several times! My neighbors must have wondered what in the world was going on. When she got to the part about Victoria's Secret the tears were streaming down my cheeks.
I had to share it with you, I want you to experience the good endorphins that come with laughter this morning. Oh, this is a good one ladies, a good one!!!
After you've watched this video, click here and subscribe to her YouTube channel. This woman is good for the soul!