Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lets talk turkey….

happy-thanksgiving illustration

Well, not turkey, exactly.  It’s all about the dessert for Thanksgiving at our house.  I’ve got a new twist on an old favorite, pecan pie.  Last summer I was watching FoodTV, and different chefs were talking about their favorite desserts.  One of the recipes was for pecan pie from Brigsten’s Restaurant in New Orleans. The difference is roasted ground pecans in the filling and a warm caramel sauce.   I found the recipe online, along with a video and posted it on Jan Can Cook back in July.  I was browsing my site the other day and it popped up, here’s the click if you think you might like to try it this year.

And instead of pumpkin pie, I’m thinking about Susan Branch’s Pumpkin Cheesecake.  She gave me permission to post the recipe in my Christmas Recipes Album last year, and it looks wonderful.  She refers to it often, it’s one of her personal favorites.  Here’s the link to it.

Paula Deen also has a pumpkin cheesecake that’s really popular, so it’s a possibility also.  Here’s that  link.

And finally, here are  some videos from my personal fave, Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa.  They run consecutively, so sit back and let her do her thing.  It’s a good time…

I think this woman is just awesome.  She has it all going on, IMO.  She always seems to me to really enjoy her food, and since I never trust a skinny cook, Ina is my girl…  Here’s the click….

This month has gone so quickly, I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is next week already!  If anybody has anything to add to this thread, please do…

~ jan

Your daily dose of cuteness, Maggie Moo…


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hungry Girl’s Egg in a Mug



Heads up, girlfriends this is an awesome recipe.  If you like scrambled eggs, you’re going to love this, and it’s under 100 calories!

I posted it on my Eating Right blog, here’s the click.  ~jan

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I’ve been out of touch…

Law-dee, girlfriends, I’ve had quite a week.  I couldn’t wait for the new Droid Verizon phone, ordered it at midnight the day it became available, received it Monday, and have been busy misdialing everybody in my contacts list ever since.  Oh my, what a learning curve this has been.

Had it not been for Hooterville, I woulda thrown it under the bus.  But I’m slowly figuring it out, S-L-O-W-L-Y, and  it walks, it talks, it does everything imaginable.  If it wasn’t for that damned “operator error” I’ve got going on, it would be awesome.

Went to our condo association meeting last night, it started belching and spewing noises during the meeting.  Drats, I thought I had put it on silent, but oh no, I had to leave the room to get it to shut up!!!!

And I knew I had to have a rubber cover for it or I would drop it and break it to smithereens, and the only color available was Pepto Bismol pink, so now I’m walking around with this neon colored gizmo that makes strange sounds and every once in a while this deep, rumbling, booming voice goes, DROOOOID…. It scares the beejuses out of me every time it does it, and it’s always happens somewhere in a room of people.  Egads, why is it saying that anyway???

Oh dear, I must look really silly, oh well, won’t be the first time, and I’m sure it won’t be the last ……  smile_embaressed  But I think I like it, I really, really like it!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The last rose of summer… errrr, November???

We winterized the patio this morning, raked leaves, put pots away, this rose is still blooming, my herbs are in great shape, too.  Pretty amazing for November, isn’t it?


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hey gang, my buddy Roni, is a Celeb-bri-tee!!!!!!

Normally I would post this type of entry on my Eating Right Blog, but some of you don’t follow that blog and I just wanted you all to see Roni.

If you’re not familiar with her, she’s a blogger, a successful at keeping it off Weight Watcher, and a great person.  I visit her GreenLite Bites several times a week and make many of her recipes.  Everything I’ve made has been so good, especially the muffins.  OMG, they are all awesome!

I just finished having her pumpkin pancakes for Sunday brunch, another hit.

A big congrats to Roni, and for those of you who aren’t familiar with her, give her a look.  She is such an inspiration, maybe she will inspire some of you as well.  And yours truly, yep, still slowly losing, down 25 lbs. this morning, since the first of April, and maintaining.  For me that’s key, it’s not the losing, it’s the maintenance

And what was the “click for me that made me change my eating habits?” Several of you have asked me.  I would like to say it was a desire to eat healthier, like everybody seems to do these days, but to be honest, I had one of those “oh no” moments after I went to Nisha’s son, Rob’s, wedding.  I thought I looked “okay” but when I saw the pictures I was horrified!  It wasn’t pretty, girlfriends, I was blown up like ‘’effin Poppin Fresh!  One of these days, I’ll man-up and post my own before and after pictures.  I’m old now, I’ll always be thick thru the middle and look my age, so it’s not that great, but it’s sure a heck of a lot better than it was!

Hope you are all enjoying this gawjus fall weather; give my sweet girl, Roni, a click, you won’t be disappointed.  Nope, pinky swear…

~ jan

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