Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I’ve been out of touch…

Law-dee, girlfriends, I’ve had quite a week.  I couldn’t wait for the new Droid Verizon phone, ordered it at midnight the day it became available, received it Monday, and have been busy misdialing everybody in my contacts list ever since.  Oh my, what a learning curve this has been.

Had it not been for Hooterville, I woulda thrown it under the bus.  But I’m slowly figuring it out, S-L-O-W-L-Y, and  it walks, it talks, it does everything imaginable.  If it wasn’t for that damned “operator error” I’ve got going on, it would be awesome.

Went to our condo association meeting last night, it started belching and spewing noises during the meeting.  Drats, I thought I had put it on silent, but oh no, I had to leave the room to get it to shut up!!!!

And I knew I had to have a rubber cover for it or I would drop it and break it to smithereens, and the only color available was Pepto Bismol pink, so now I’m walking around with this neon colored gizmo that makes strange sounds and every once in a while this deep, rumbling, booming voice goes, DROOOOID…. It scares the beejuses out of me every time it does it, and it’s always happens somewhere in a room of people.  Egads, why is it saying that anyway???

Oh dear, I must look really silly, oh well, won’t be the first time, and I’m sure it won’t be the last ……  smile_embaressed  But I think I like it, I really, really like it!!!


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