Friday, March 25, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor and those violet eyes...

Now I've looked at a ton of ET pictures this week, and for the life of me, her eyes never look violet to me.  Her lipstick in this picture looks violet, but the eyes look rather hazel.

I just don't see it.  Am I having a senior moment here, or do some of you have trouble seeing it, also?



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor

Everybody has a favorite Elizabeth Taylor movie, mine has always been Cat On a Hat Tin Roof. The year was 1958, and she was an absolutely gorgeous woman. Younger readers, watch this trailer, now this was a real movie star. RIP ET, you were the queen...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jan’s Find of the Week, Sunday Saver

These finds of the week are kind of hit and miss with me, to be honest, I forget about them.  Old brain, you know.  Anyhoo, this is a good fine for you, it’s all the different weekly newspaper ads, condensed on one page.  You’re going to like this one, girlfriends, it’s a goodie…

Here’s the click>>>

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