Friday, October 5, 2007

A bit of a retraction....

Lindsay and Ryan are visiting, they pointed out last night that on my video blog I said the fall festival was second largest in the WORLD. Oops, I meant to say, USA. That's the trouble with that video blog, no editing, you screw up, you can't change it.

Anyhoo, they still don't believe it's second largest in US, but that's the way Heavensville bills it. I don't make this stuff up, I just report it.

We're going again today, but this ole' girl is NOT gonna stuff her face again. Nope, not gonna happen.......

Thursday, October 4, 2007


I felt HORRIBLE yesterday, girlfriends, just HORRIBLE.... I didn't really eat THAT much, just a corn dog and chili and a couple of LC's breaded mushrooms and a few bites of peanut butter fudge, oh and half a piece of divinity, oh I forgot I had a caramel apple with nuts. *blush* guess I did overdo it... My tummy was upset ALL DAY, ALL EVENING and INTO THE NIGHT!!!! Did I go back today????? Duh, what kind of stupid do I look like I am, I STAYED HOME AND COOKED HEALTHY!!!!!! Well, except for that cake....

I've been a whirlwind in the kitchen this morning, made Weight Watcher Taco Soup, which is absolutely AMAZING, it's Peggy Jane's recipe, she has it in her fridge all the time, I'm posting it on Eating Right for you. Yep, I'm acually posting to another board....

Since family is coming in today and tomorrow, I made a big pot of soup and I have a loaf of homemade bread in the Zo, ready to bake. I also made Martha Stewart's Apple Spice Cake - click here for recipe - it's supposed to be one of her best, ever... We'll see. Have the caramel sauce in the fridge, and it's only 11 am. I'm finished, ready to shower and go out with hubby for a little R&R. NO, NOT TO THE FALL FESTIVAL!!!!! I've had it with all the junk, well maybe not completely, but eating all that crap is just not worth the rumbling tummy....

Okay, check out that soup by clicking here, it's "da bomb" even hubby liked it!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

So funny....

Ang told me to go to UTube and watch Brad Paisley's latest music video, it's called Online - Here's the link - it's SOOOO funny, ladies. If you need a smile, give it a watch.....

Click here for the link...

Monday, October 1, 2007

I may have been wrong....

I'm always spouting off about how celebrities should just age naturally and not get plastic surgery. Well, I after seeing this picture, I may have just changed my mind.

Bridgette Bardot was as good as it got in the 50's, the ultimate pinup girl, beautiful body, gorgeous face. According to Wikipedia, she just turned 73. That isn't old, Peggy Jane is going to be 71 in December and she looks absolutely AMAZING, but this one, not so much so....

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