Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I haven’t been around much…



I’ve had this big computer project occupying my time, no time to blog, and shame on me, I’ve had news for days now and haven’t shared.

Remember all the pictures I posted of “Marigold”, the Holland Lop Bunny?  Well, Marigold turned out to be a boy and now his name is “Butterbean.”

Every little granddaughter needs a bunny, P-Pa built Mr. Bean a snazzy house, and he’s currently ensconced under the birch tree, tucked into a corner of the patio.

He’s just a little guy, a gentle soul, who loves to be held, especially when you have a strawberry for him to eat. He will only be four pounds when he’s full grown and he’s so tame, just the perfect little bunny!  Miss Abigail is going to love him!!!!!

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