Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nice ‘n Easy Color Blend Foam

I saw this advertised on television last night.  Looks good to me, so much easier, especially since you apply it to all of your hair, not just the roots.  I’m hoping that my favorite Nice ‘n Easy color (103) will be available in this foam.

Well, I just checked their site, they don’t have 103.  Grrrrrr, so it looks like it will have to be either 8, 9 or 8G.  This stuff is  never simple.  103 is a shade that works well for me, and now I’m going to have to try something else.  Here’s the chart, see if any of these colors will work for you.

Don’t you just love YouTube?  They have a video for everything.  Give this a watch, it might be just what you’re looking for, too…

Friday, March 4, 2011

Charlie Sheen for Halloween...


Finally, something to laugh about.  That guy is such a douchebag, shame on him and his  sorry excuse of a life!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Living on a fixed income, am I missing something?

senior-citizen-travel-insuranceI see all of these silly commercials with the preppy looking gray haired senior citizens, and they are all talking about living on a “fixed income.”  I find this sooooo annoying.

Don’t most people live on a fixed income?  You go to work, you get the same amount of money in your paycheck every week, isn’t that a fixed income?

Why is it you never see any overweight thirty year olds talking about living on a “fixed” income.  Or better yet, why no upwardly types talking about it?  I can’t figure out if it’s just a buzz word, or if it’s a put down. 

~ Jan, being very testy tonight…

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Donna Mills, The Eyes Have It, a blast from the past…

I loved this video from the 80’s, and back in the day, who didn’t love Donna Mills and her great eye makeup? I bought the video, watched it over and over, and still have it as a matter of fact.

I found highlights of it on YouTube, and thought you all might enjoy seeing it.  Yep, it’s a little dated, and it’s pretty cheesy,  but the techniques are still good, and the woman is so gorgeous, it’s unreal. It’s fun to watch, enjoy…

Here’s a picture gallery, it’s too bad that she couldn’t stay “forever young.”

Here are a couple of recent pictures, she’s sixty- nine years old now, how did that happen?  Where did the time go…




Monday, February 28, 2011

I have a new grandpuppy…




Meet the newest addition to our growing family, Isabel Lucille, born Christmas day.  And let me tell you, ladies, she’s an eight-week old, four pound bundle of dy-NO-mite!

John and Deanna have been looking for cocker pup for quite awhile now.  Oreo’s breeder found Izzie in Connecticut, and flew last week to pick her up, along with her sister, Hannah, which she kept for herself.

John and Deanna came here for the weekend to pick her up, and it was quite the experience having a pup in the house again.  I was sure Maggie would love to romp and play with her, but oh no, she would have no part of this puppy, and Mollie just totally ignored her.  Poor little pooch, she was practically standing on her head trying to get their attention, but nothing she did enticed them to play.

Maybe when she gets a bit older, it will change, so for now she has to be content to play with the humans.  She knows how to sit and lay down already, something the M&M’s have yet to master.  She’s a real cutey-pie, little Miss Izzie Lou, and oh do her new parents have some exciting months ahead of them.

There is nothing sweeter than a little girl…


This is Alevia, she’s two and a half years old, and the most precocious, adorable little girl.  We had company yesterday, Margie and Jerry, forever friends and neighbors from thirty-five years ago.  Alevia is their granddaughter, and she enchanted us all.  Just had to share a picture of this special little child…

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