Oh my, today hubby didn't work today, so we were out and about, checking out flat panel tv's, and a new bed for our bedroom, but that's a whole other blog. Anyhoo, we stopped in at Yen Ching, my favorite chinese restaurant (chicken and hot sauce, hot sour soup, iced tea with extra lemon, ummm) for lunch, and I visited the ladies room. As soon as I hit the door, the most wonderful smell permeated the whole room.
It brought back so many memories of Mother, I didn't want to come out... I was in there with this huge grin on my face, just breathing in the air and reminiscing...
And what was this wonderful smell? No, guys, c'mon, of course it's
not what you're thinking. Quit wrinkling your noses, and going ewwwwww..... I
know you're wrinkling your cute little noses....
The entire ladies room just totally, completely,
REEKED of Clorox!
YES, CLOROX!!! It smelled so fresh, so absolutely clean, that I came home and poured some in my toilette. I did, for real I did...
My Mother was the Clorox queen. She lived for the stuff. I sometimes think she must have been addicted to the fumes... We
ALWAYS had a pan of Clorox bleach water in the kitchen sink, with dishcloths immersed in it to whiten. Our dishcloths were nothing like the ones you have today, in fact I blogged about dishcloths a few months back. We always had white flour sack dishcloths. These were the real McCoy, sewn from the cloth bags the flour came in, not by Mother, but by her sisters, either Aunt Hazel or Aunt Idalene. Oh, they whipped those things up on a regular basis, but I'm clueless as to where they got them as I grew older, we hadn't bought cloth sacks of flours for
YEARS. My Aunts were always so thrifty, they probably had them stored away under their beds from years past...
Mother liked nothing better than doing laundry, and she bleached the heck out of everything she could get her hands on. Hence, my love of the smell of bleach. Oh yeah, Clorox rates right up there with Vicks Salve in my nostalgia book...
So, I had a nice little trip down memory lane, in the ladies room at Yen Ching, and when I came out
MUCH later with this sappy little grin on my face, LC just looked at me with this quizzical expression, but he didn't say a word and neither did I.
You know guys, he probably thought I was having "issues"...
MEN SCHMEN!!! Excuse me now, I'm off to
smell> flush the toilette
~ jan