Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A new kitchen treasure this morning...


If you’re a regular reader, you know that there is nothing that hubby loves more than a tag sale or an auction, both of which I’m not a fan, but the man does bring me home good stuff.  

Last night, despite the fact that it was colder than a well digger’s butt in Heavensille, he went to the auction and came home with this vintage orange-red topped dispenser.  It must have been made for sugar, because when you flip the top, it has a little round hole you pour out of.  It was new, still had the yellowed product information sheet inside, and I would guess it’s circa 1950’s.

It’s now sitting on my bar next to my rooster napkin holder that he bought for 50 cents.  I whitewashed it, sanded it, and voila, it’s a goodie.  And the cost of last night’s find - $2.00.  I was a happy camper when he came carrying this inside. 

The salt and pepper shakers are from Decor Steals, not a deal, but still inexpensive, I think I paid $20, but it was one of those things I had to have because there is nothing better than any kind of mason jar in my opinion.  Oh, I do love kitchen  gadgets, and this was a really good one.  It’s all gassed up and ready to go after I washed it and filled it with Swerve Sweetner.  It’s a good thing...


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