Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Projection Clocks, they're awesome!


For those of you who know my husband, you are familiar with all of his tag sale finds.  The man is a picker, he doesn’t drag in atrocious items like a lot of men do, he has this uncanny ability to find little gems, as my friends and family well know.   This past summer he brought home this clock radio, and I just didn’t get why he would buy it.  First of all it was ugly, it looked like a box with this bullet looking thing on the end of it, but he said to just trust him that this was a goodie.
So that evening he went into the bedroom, plugged this contraption into the wall, fiddled with the bullet thingie and I still wasn’t buying it.  But then the turned out the lights and voila, the current time projected on the wall in large letters.  Okay, I still wasn’t convinced but quickly changed my mind.  I wake up  gadzillion times during the night, always looking at the clock to see what time it is, and with the time projected on the wall, no more raising my head to look at the time, no more squinting my eyes at the clock, I can just barely open one eye, see what time it is and go back to sleep.   Sounds hokey doesn’t it?  Well, it’s not trust me.  Later in the summer when we were in Nashville, LC and John went to a tag sale and there was another one of those clocks, so LC insisted that John needed it.  He and Deanna were quickly hooked as well, they projected their time on the ceiling.  It was a great idea.  But… 
Our clock died, and apparently so did theirs.  Hubby couldn’t find a new battery for it locally, so he bought one on Amazon, it arrived yesterday and it didn’t fix the clock.  Yours truly is in a tizzy, partly because I’ve been in the house for days and days because of the weather, and disappointed that the battery didn’t fix the big bullet contraption, so he found this one on eBay yesterday.  It has mixed reviews, over 2,000 of them, mostly good, but some bad, so I’ll see how it works out for me.  One of the downsides that people complain about is that the display is too bright, but hey, I’m desperate.  And if it is too bright there is a filter you can buy that makes the color softer.
So it’s on the way to Heavensville this morning via Amazon Prime for only $29,  but I’m not a happy camper because as of the first of the year Amazon is now charging us tax.   Grrrrr, we had a good thing for years, I shouldn’t complain, it still beats trudging through the stores looking for nonexistent items.
And I’m hopefully optimistic that this new clock will be as good as my bullet contraption, at least it looks better, I had to hide my old one behind some books on the dresser, it was so ugly.
Are you intrigued?  Probably not, this is one of those things you have to see up close and personal to appreciate.  But of course I’ll give you the link just in case you would like to barely open one eye in the middle of the night to see the time.  It’s a great little nightlight, too.
I’ll update you later as to if this is a hit or a miss  ~ Jan


  1. I love these clocks! I found mine at a yard sale as well and while my husband couldn't understand why I got it then, we can't do without it now! I'm headed for your pressure cooker post because I am ready to start cooking in mine finally! :) sometimes it takes me a while!


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