Thursday, July 9, 2009

Topsy Turvy vs. Revolution Tomato Planters…


I know, I know, I’m running a bit late in the season with the tomato info, however, they are still selling tomato plants in the garden center, and if you plant now, you can have late tomatoes this fall.

I bought a Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter this week at good old Marshalls.  My neighbors have Topsy Turv’s, and they actually are doing great, they have clusters of  tomatoes all over the vines.  Hubby came home and planted it for me, and I actually read the instructions that told me to use a fertilizer with a low first number on it, to get optimal blossoms and tomatoes.  Hint:  This translates into using Monty’s Joy Juice,  which is available on this website or at your local garden center if you live in the Midwest.

After I bought mine and hung it, I was reading online about how often to water, and people were talking about how much better this Revolution Planter is than the Topsy Turvy.  They say it’s stronger, the bag doesn’t disintegrate, and it has a watering level indicator.    Apparently people are growing, not only tomatoes, but strawberries, zucchini, peppers, all kinds of veggies in these things.

But even if these are better, those Topsy Turvy ones the neighbors have look great to me.  But it’s all about choices, right???

So, even if you don’t plant upside down tomatoes this year, you might be interested in doing it next spring.  I’ll take some pix of the neighbor’s plants and post them later…

Here’s the link to the Revolution Site….


  1. It's pretty amazing stuff!! I got revolution planter from Gardeners Supply... It is very beneficial!!


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