Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lilas AM & PM Yoga – Workouts for Seniors


I’ve been fascinated by Yoga for years, but I “assumed” that it was very intensive, and involved a lot of leg and foot action, so I “assumed” I couldn’t do it.

Lindsay loves yoga; I’ve seen some of her moves, and you practically have to be a contortionist to do them.  So I just chalked it up to one more of the things that I can’t do.

I was on a website recently, and discovered a book called “Easy Does It Yoga” for seniors and physically challenged people.  I checked it out at the library, and sure enough, it was a lot of breathing, meditation, chair exercises, with a lot of concentration on upper body, which I would be able to do.  Lindsay looked at the book last weekend, and was giving me tips on body alignment, things the book didn’t tell me, and since I’m more visual, I would much prefer watching a DVD while going thru the program.   I started Googling, but had no luck with a DVD for Easy Does It Yoga, but then I found Lilas AM & PM Yoga – Workouts for Seniors.  It got good revues, so I decided to try it.  AND, since I love the thrill of a chase, I looked it up on eBay, sure enough, there it was for the bargain basement price of $2.77, with $3.00 for S/H.  It’s a dutch auction, meaning they have several copies of this, so if you’re interested, here’s the link to the eBay auction, so you can order it, too.

Here’s the product information for you -

 Product Description

This specially designed program brings the immediate and lasting benefits of yoga to mature adults. Join famed PBS-TV instructor Lilias! as she demonstates how yoga can unlock your personal energy, teach you to listen to your body, and find your inner wisdom. Her encouragement and motivating nature will inspire you to use yoga to enhance health, joy and delight in your life. This delightful yoga program is the perfect way to start the day. Discover how good you feel with Lilias! AM & PM Yoga Workouts for Seniors.

Program includes:

A.M. Yoga Workout

    * liberates your natural energy
    * builds strength and confidence
    * improves circulation and range of motion in joints
    * maintains a strong back
    * breathing techniques to build energy and clear the mind
    * prepares you for the day with flexibility and vitality

P.M. Yoga Workout

    * soothes and strengthens your back
    * calms nerves
    * uplifts your mood
    * releases stress burrowing in the jaw, neck, shoulders & back
    * dissipates headaches
    * stretches the entire body
    * maintains healthy knees & joints
    * eases you off to sleep

Yoga can be a wonderful part of your life. Studies are finding positive benefits from yoga, including the prevention and reversal of heart disease and many other health concerns. It is easy-to-learn and has the power to lift your mood and energy level and enrich your body, mind and spirit. I encourage you to use these techniques of conscious living throughout your day as you discover the many joys of yoga.—Lilias Folan

"Lilias has done it again! This is an extraordinary program. Without question, it’s my favorite yoga DVD. I use it and I love it."—Richard Carlson, Ph.D., author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

And the Yoga mat???? You can pick one up for $10.00 at Marshall’s or TJ Maxx.  Don’t you just love a deal???



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