Friday, March 6, 2015

Vintage Aprons, a blast from the past...




When I was a girl, women wore aprons every day.  I seldom saw my grandmother without one, my mother and aunts all wore them, it was just what you did.  Aprons were great for gathering things, their pockets held treasures for kids, it was warm, homey, it was comforting thing seeing a woman at a kitchen stove wearing an apron.

So why don’t I just dig out aprons and wear them?  BECAUSE, I have no waist, that’s why.  All I need is something emphasizing my past middle aged waistline.  Oh, vanity thy name is Jan.

But if you’re crafty, or know someone who is, you might take a chapter from days gone by and sew this.  Here’s the link to the pattern.




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