Thursday, March 22, 2007

Singing in the rain...

Have you ever been walking and you car is far away and it started to rain? Yep, that was me this morning. I was doing my mile at Burdette, walking with a nice lady named Trina, and it was sprinkling, but what the heck, we kept going. Then it started to REALLY rain, OMG, by the time I got to the car, I was totally soaked, hair plastered to my head. Talk about invigorating.

So here I sit, fresh from a hot shower, all bundled up in my winter bathrobe, with a mug of hot tea. Is it spring?

I posted a recipe on Eating Right for Chocolate Chip Cookies. I made them, they were wonderful, only 4 tablespoons of butter, too. 114 calories per cookie. But seriously, who just eats ONE chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven. *sigh* There is NO hope!!!!

I'm outta here, bathtime for the M&M's this morning - I'll be wet again by the time it's over!

Later 'gators...


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