Friday, December 13, 2013

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You were a beauty my old friend, oxblood leather, nailhead trim, we were best buddies for years and years.  We were growing older together, you and I.  Cracks started showing in your leather, your arms wore through to the underlayment, but that was okay, I could live with the aging, I’m aging, too, I understood. And then your padding started to go and for awhile that was okay as well.  But this past month you just gave up completely, resulting in excruciating pain to my nether regions, and it was time to say goodbye.  It was a sad morning, watching you being rolled away, bidding farewell to the best chair I ever had. 


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Hello, you ugly ergonomic chair.  You sure don’t have any wow factor, except for your price! You’ve got big shoes to fill, you new kid on the block, will we ever be friends?  Only time will tell, but I’m not one for change, I like things to stay the same.  But you adjust up, down, front, back and sideways.  You have lumbar support, you have a mesh seat that will be cool in the summer, and you better be kind to my nether regions or you will be going right back to the store, and maybe purchased by some big guy who will just hammer you every time he sits on you!  So you better treat me right, got it?

Today is your maiden voyage, I hope we have a smooth sail...


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