Sunday, June 15, 2014

Remembering Daddy

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This is the Daddy I never knew as a young man.  He was thirty-six when I was born, this picture with his sister was taken in his twenties.  But  Daddy lives on in our John,  the genetics are so strong, the bone structure is the same, it’s shocking sometimes because when I see John, I see Daddy.

He was a great dad, kind and gentle, he sang with me, called me his “Sweet Georgia Brown”  and jitterbugged with me in the living room.  He loved to read, and as a toddler he taught me all the nursery rhymes, and patiently taught me to read before I started school.  He was a fine man, always interested in my life, my grades, my activities and kept the communication open when I was a teenager.   He thought Larry was great, loved his grandsons, didn’t quite know what to do with little boys, as his life had always been filled with first, many sisters, and then me, but he tried his best and loved them dearly.

He’s been gone for nineteen years now, but I have wonderful memories, and in my mind I can still hear his voice and his laughter.  I was so blessed to have him in my life.  Happy Father’s Day, Daddy, you will always live on in my heart...


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