Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paula makes pie crust...

I watched this video this morning of Paula Dean making pie crust. She makes it looks so simple, and adds water one tablespoon at a time, using her hands.

She doesn't make it like Lindsay, who makes a killer crust with chilled bits of butter and shortening, but Paula makes it the way I've made it for years, except that I've never used my hands. 

I thought you might all enjoy watching this. And speaking of pie, I was just telling Linds last weekend that my birthday request is Lemon Meringue - mine and Hooterville's very favorite. The lemon meringue pie recipe she uses is from my Milly Scraps recipe section. I got it from Ann Lander's newspaper column, and I've made it for years. Here's the quick CLICK...

~ jan


  1. jan now that just isn't right. paula dean has gonaeand watched my tweet treat video on pie crust and copied just about word for word! the only thing she did was refrigerate her dough which made it look easy as pie to handle. i do believe i ought to write to her and sue for copyright theft... don't you???


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