Saturday, April 21, 2018

Whoosh Screen Cleaner


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Fingerprints on your Smart Phone, smudges on your tablet, it’s a constant battle and manufacturers tell you not to use anything but water to clean them.  If you’re like me, you end up with oily, smeary screens most of the time.

I read about Whoosh on Flipboard and decided to try it.  Wow, does this stuff ever work.  It’s safe to use, cleans everything perfectly, gives your screens a glossy shine and helps protect from smudges coming back so quickly.  Whoosh had great reviews, it will last a long time and it’s definitely money well spent.  There are several sizes, I’ll give you a link and if you want a smaller size just scroll down and you will see several options.  This is a 4 Star product for sure!  ~ Jan

Here’s the Whoosh Link


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