Monday, April 30, 2012

Girlfriends are a wonderful thing.

My buddy, V came by Saturday to see Butterbean, and she told me before she came that she had a surprise for me.  When she gave it to me, she thought I might not like it as much as she did, but oh my, it’s the funnest (is that word?) gift I’ve gotten in maybe ever!

I didn’t realize that she didn’t know I’m a smiley face girl.  We’ve known each other since the dark ages, how did she not know this about me???  Nevertheles, I adore smiley faces, I always have, and when I opened the bag, this was what was inside!


It’s a Yellow Fiesta Smiley Face Plate.  Is this not the cutest thing??? I use it every meal and feel like I’m a kid again. 

Girlfriends are a beautiful thing, and V is just the BEST!  She knocked it out of the ballpark with this one…

~ jan doin’ the happy dance here  Nyah-NyahSmile with tongue outOpen-mouthed smileWinking smileBe right backRolling on the floor laughingSecret telling smileFlirt maleIn love


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