Monday, October 19, 2009

Does microwave popcorn cause cancer?

I was talking to V yesterday, she mentioned that studies are linking cancer and lung disease to microwave popcorn, the kind in the bag with the butter and seasonings already on it, which, btw, I don’t eat. I’m a pop my own big yellow kernels in my trusty  Orville Redenbacher microwave popcorn popper kinda girl. I’ve never been a fan of bagged microwave corn, its too salty for me and has an off taste.  I really do try to eat foods in their natural state, I hope that you are all doing the same.

She told me to Google it, sure enough, a lot of information came up regarding this.  Just thought you would all like a heads up, if you’re not aware of it.  Made your Monday morning, didn’t I???

Here’s the link…


  1. I was eating that microwave popcorn for years until just a few months ago. I bought a bag of regular popcorn and pop it in a pan on top of the stove now, like we used to to when I was a kid. And wow does it taste good!


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