Sunday, February 17, 2008

Okay, one more section ready, and I'm finished for a few days...

I'm having company this week, Dilly's coming! Ry is in Chicago for the week, so Lindsay is visiting. I need a break from this computer, I've been consumed with Milly Scraps for days. Linds will be a really nice diversion, she's like a fresh breath of spring air, my daughter-in-law...

So, as I was watching Brother & Sisters, I finished one more section. I've had these pages scrapped for some time, just haven't taken the time to get them into my album...

So, if you go to Milly Scraps, enter the site, go to the index page, and click on Drinks & Libations, you will see my final entries. Those Lemon Drop Martini's are lethal, my friend Janet thinks they are the best mixed drink she's ever had, and when she orders them out, they never measure up to this Oprah recipe. Nish is a fan of Mojitos, I'll get that page up for her next.... And me, my drink of choice always has been and always will be good old iced tea and Diet Coke. Yeah, I'm so boring, I know.....

That's it for tonight, ladies, sweet dreams.....


  1. ok i get to be first to comment today. i am so glad i found your blog miss daisy belle! it is chock full of entertainment, from humor, to cooking tips to puppy love all on a single page no less :)

    i will be back often to see you. enjoy your sweet lindsay.... she is a real beauty and i think you're right she will make beauteous babies for you ;)

    XOX robin


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