Saturday, November 29, 2008

We’ve had some yummy food….


I’m still visiting Ryan and Lindsay in Versailles.  John left today, hubby left yesterday, Ry and Linds are taking me back to Heavensville tomorrow.  It’s been a week of great food, ladies, Atkins bit the dust with a big kerthud!

Since we had Thanksgiving Dinner on Wednesday, Thursday Ry decided to roast a Turducken (turkey, stuffed with chicken, stuffed with duck).  He’s wanted to do it for years, we were all skeptical, but it was great.  Definitely worth repeating…  Click on the picture to see a close-up view of it, and yep, it tasted as good as it looked! In the background you see scalloped potatoes, laced with cream and cheddar cheese and seasoned with fresh bay leaves and thyme, and decadent corn muffins from a Williams-Sonoma cooking class, recipes for both of these soon….

I’ll be back to my regular routine, shortly…  Hope you all have had a great holiday!!!

Hugs from the cow pasture…

~ jan


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