Okay, this is more info than you want to hear, but haven't we all had these nights???
I was off to bed early, took a warm bath, went to bed at 9pm with a BIG mug of hot tea, all cozy, relaxed, THEN, I decided to check out some Christmas present ideas on Amazon, so I fired up my laptop, after finding what I wanted to look up, I decided to play some stupid, silly computer game. At 11:15 the battery on my laptop died, I was still playing that dumb game, and by now I'm totally awake, no chance of just drifting off to sleep. So I make a bathroom run, settle in for the night,FINALLY get to sleep, and LC jumps up and turns on the light. He thought Munchie was crying. Arughhh, it's 1AM, Munchie is fast asleep at the foot of the bed. He was DREAMING... I'm awake, I make a potty run, go back to sleep and it's now 3AM - I'm awake, I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S THAT DAMN MUG OF TEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Back to sleep, fast forward to 5:30AM - Munchie is whining, she has to go outside, I wake up LC, go once again to the bathroom, and I'm back to sleep. It's 7:30AM - he comes bursting in the room singing friggin' Jingle Bells. I'm about ready to lose it by now. And today we have to put up the Christmas tree and decorate the house. And I'm so tired I feel pretty much like a pile of day old dog doodoo...
Is this why old people never drink fluids after 6pm. Is this what my future holds? Calgon take me away.................................
On a more positive note, I'm not retaining fluid this morning *lame smile*
I'm off to decorate, Favorite Things posts tomorrow, I'm sure you'll enjoy reading about all our favorite things more than you have enjoyed reading about my potty runs....
Installing Carpeting in My Home
2 hours ago
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