Friday, March 28, 2008


Earlier this week when Nisha was here we were shopping, she was in the dressing room, I was sitting in a chair and it just so happened that that chair faced those triple mirror thingies....

Holy Crap! I look like friggin Poppin Fresh! I do, I swear I'm a total bloat hawg... You would think that all the problems I've had since the first of the year, broken tooth, losing Munchie, that icky virus that's still not quite gone, that I would lose weight. Oh no, not Dumpy Dora here, I comfort carb ate! And now it's reality time, and it ain't pretty, girlfriends... I'm packed into those size 12 "stretch" jeans like a snausage in it's casing... I give new meaning to the word "muffin top." But heaven forbid I go up a size, oh no, I'll just continue to torture my poor body with my too little jeans. Maybe the sheer pain of it all will help me get a grip...

So I'm eating off that darned salad plate. Actually it wasn't so bad... I walked 2/3 of a mile yesterday, a huffin and a puffin, listening to that great Raising Sand cd on my Ipod, and I ate totally healthy. That's one day down, and a badzillion more to go. Are any of you out there trying that plate trick? I know a lot of you are nodding your heads in total understanding here... I'm not alone. That thick middle is the bane of most post menopausal women. Well, I always had a thick waist if I'm perfectly honest, it's just worse, now...

Oh joyous spring. No capes, no sweaters to hide behind. That mirror is enough to drive me middle aged crazy!!! Gotta blame it on something! Going Berserk


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