Thursday, March 27, 2008

Some rainy Thursday morning giggles for you...

There is nothing any cuter than animals. A big thanks to cousin Phyllis who sent me these shots this morning, they're guaranteed to tug at your heartstrings.

My fave? Can't decide, all of them are so darned cute! Of course I love the Yorkie all buckled in and sound asleep, but that dog with the three tennis balls in his mouth made me laugh outloud, and the doxxie drinking thru the straw, and of course the dog peering thru the hole in the fence, and the ones in the swing are just precious. I see a definite pattern here, notice I said nada about the cats, even though one is snuggled against my favorite thing in the world, a petite bebe...

You can click to enlarge the pictures if you want a closer view...


  1. you're right they are all good but that yorkie just has me shaking my head and lughing out loud. amazing!


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