Sunday, March 23, 2008

Such a good day...

Trish brought her granddaughter, Larkin, over this morning. Oh, isn't she adorable in her "Easter Dress."

Check out the little red purse, she looked so cute, girlfriends, there is nothing like a precious little girl to make your day. She's nineteen months old now, oh I just can't get over how that little purse is strapped across her like a mini messenger bag.

I was giving Maggie a bath, Larkin's big eyes were watching her, and she went home and told her Daddy that the dog was all wet...

Maggie and I then visited my friend, Bettye, in the nursing home where I managed to once again lock my keys in the car. Trish had to come rescue me with another set of keys.

Marti and I went to dinner, then went to her son's house where he has the cutest little ten month old boy you've ever seen. No pictures of him, darn it. He smiled and laughed and romped in the living room. It was just wonderful.

And that was my day. It was a good Easter, totally unplanned, sometimes those are the best.

Nisha and Charlie are coming to visit tomorrow. Nish is on spring break, so they will be here for a few days. I'll update you all later, lots to tell, good recipes to share from our trip. Just no time.


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