Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm just full of news this morning...

I'm watching The View, and Babs is talking about a special airing next Tuesday on ABC, "How to Live to Be 150" and one of the doctors says that we should all eat off of salad plates, and by doing this, we would automatically eat less.

Well, I've heard this theory for years, as I'm sure you have, but never done it. Guess what, I'm going to give it a try. Do any of you want to try this with me? Let's give it a go for a couple of days and see if it helps? What do you say? I'll follow up on this with you all...


  1. oh i' afraid that i have tried it and quickly discovered that i could use the heaping method to get more on the plate if i wanted to. then for some reason it doesn't seem to work right... gaining instead of losing...?


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