Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good Morning....

I checked the stats on my pages, and my viewership is up, sharply. I don't know where all of you are coming from, but I'm glad you're here, and hope you enjoy my nonsense.

Just wanted you to know that I'm totally doomed. I'm watching GMA and they are saying that belly fat, even if you aren't that overweight, triples your chances for dementia. If you are 35" or more around your belly button you are in trouble. I'm SO glad to hear that... Jeez, I had better blog while I can cause my mind is gonna be mush, well it pretty well already is, but at least now I know why... You all know that I'm still trying to lose that baby weight, and Ryan is how old now, ummmmmm, 32? I'm workin' on it, though, I'm workin' on it. OMG, they just measured Diane Sawyer, she's 28.5 inches around her middle. And to think that I "used" to think she was wonderful! That's obscene, 28.5 inches and she's in her 60's. How does she do it???

Oh, now I'm thoroughly depressed. I'm off to drown my sorrows in a glass of water! Angry 2


  1. OMG, I'm totally still trying to lose baby fat, too! Only my baby's just 15. My youngest, that is - she's the one I'm blaming for this anyway (I don't want to think it's been 23 years since my first!). I did hear the news about the belly fat/Alzheimer's connection. My first thought, "Wow, so how much time do I have?!" Yep, it really started the day off in a great way.

    I love your blog, by the way - it's beautiful!


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