I'm missing an earring... I didn't lose it, it somehow fell out yesterday, probably when I was doubled over with one of my coughing spasms. It was so bad this morning when I was talking to Nish that I had to just hang up. She called right back, just to see if I was alive. Yeah, I'm alive, but pretty miserable.
But enough of that... I have these little tiny silver hoops, nothing special, but I really like them. They are SO tiny that hubby has to fasten them for me with his glasses on with a pair of needle nose pliars. Now that's really fun...
So one fell out, and since they are a pain in the patootie to put in, no way am I taking the other one out. So I'm off to get cough medicine and stop by the library with one in and one out. Maybe I'll just look trendy? Yeah, right... Coughing and hacking and looking like death warmed over. Trendy my ass!!!
I'm just in a great mood today, how about you????
Pruning the Osage Orange Trees
21 hours ago
take a look under the computer desk.. I was missing mine 2 weeks ago, and that is where I found it.. a house never loses things, so first look in the last place you would look, as it always seems to be there. xo Christa