Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Where did this saying come from anyway?

"I've come down with the flu."

Now just what does that mean anyway? That you've come down from a standing position to being flat on your back in the bed?

Well that sounds really stupid when you think about it, but poor hubby has indeed come down with"something." He's coughing and hacking and his nose is stuffy, and of course I'm not feeling so great either. My poor widdle throat is all scratchy and I've been up since 2am, tossing and turning. I finally get up, fire up the puter' before 5am, and guess who's on.... HOOTERVILLE. I instant message her, she's been up since 3!

We are both NUTS!!!

And so it goes this winter morning with more snow forcasted for today. I'm off to the kitchen to brew a pot, just what I need, CAFFEINE!!!


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