Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm pondering this morning...

Do straight real men blog? Heck if I know, but I don't see much evidence of it ... I'm always visiting blogs, albeit they are girl related, but you would think I would stumble onto some kind of guy blog on my travels around the net...

But nope, I never do... Is it that we are so much more vocal than men? That we express ourselves better? And not to stereotype, but I've always said that if it's not about T&A or it doesn't go vroom, vroom, then they really aren't too interested in it. Hence my straight man theory....

So maybe that's what it's all about with men. They are blogging about fast cars, or women's body parts. Well that would explain why I never read any of their shtick, I could care less about either of those subjects...

Oh, I'm so glad I am W-O-M-A-N... I have lots and lots of interests... food, petite bebes, gardening, gossip, friends, makeup, clothes, decorating, trashy novels, all the 'important' things in life... oh it's such fun being a girl old girl....
Batting Eyelashes 2


  1. oh... i guess the comment thingy was on to the topic... boys and girls...hmmm.. i have seen lots of blogs by men yes and you're right they are very different. they tend to want to TEACH things or SELL things or give us their most renowned OPINION on things like POLITICS, MONEY, CARS and yes..i'm afraid it true... GIRLS BODY PARTS. gosh how sad for them. they are missing out on all the fun of being girlfriends!

  2. There are two blogs by straight men that are in my Favorite Haunts list: The New Parent and MIn the Gap. But male bloggers definitely appear to be a much rarer breed than female bloggers.

  3. I think we women can make something ordinary be funny.. men need someone to write their jokes for them!! :) I love your blog Jan.. very whimsical and interesting!! (by the way, I haven't seen any male blogs but think they would be as Robin discribes...~ christa

  4. I think we women can make something ordinary be funny.. men need someone to write their jokes for them!! :) I love your blog Jan.. very whimsical and interesting!! (by the way, I haven't seen any male blogs but think they would be as Robin discribes...~ christa


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