Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'll be darned if it didn't help...

I got hung up on UTube last night, I seem to always do that late in the evening, didn't turn in 'til midnight, and, poor sick hubby was trying to sleep, coughing every other breath, and so, I got out the trusty Vicks, smeared it on the bottoms of his feet, pulled up his socks and tucked him in... I've blogged enough about it lately, this was the perfect chance to see if it worked...

He coughed for a few more minutes and then settled down to sleep. It really did help him... or maybe it was the fact that I was massaging it into the pads of his feet that relaxed him. Nope, I really do think it helped. More than one of you has emailed me with the same results.

I know, it make no sense, but if it works, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Oh, if you haven't read my blogs, putting Vicks on the bottom of your feet, then pulling on socks at night is documented to help you quit coughing.

Hope all of you are staying healthy, this cold bug has hit our entire family, even though we all live in different cities. And speaking of family, I have big news tomorrow. Nonononono, not that kind of news, nobody is prego, but it is good news.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's only a day away....


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