Friday, February 29, 2008

Sweet little fur babies...

Day to day living with dogs is the most wonderful experience. They give me such unconditional love... The M&M's have shared the chair and ottoman with me all afternoon. They don't care that my hair is a mess, that I'm in my pajamas, or that I feel like a limp noodle who wears myself out with spasms of coughing. They gaze at me with these adoring little chocolate drop eyes, and all it takes is a morsel, just the tiniest morsel of a snack and they are so grateful.

I often feel sorry for them, that they only can eat what I provide. What if they are tired of kibble, or they are craving bits of burger or cheese? I have no way of knowing that, and so they gaze at whatever I'm eating, hoping that I'll share. And I do, if it's healthy for them. I learned a hard lesson with Munchie and a bout of pancreatitis, that you have to be really careful what you let your fur kidz snack on. Nothing rich, nothing greasy, EV-ER... And recently Jean sent me an email saying that raisins and grapes were a nono. I didn't know that, I thought that pretty much any fruit was fine for them.

Maggie has a fondness for apples and oranges, but has hasn't quite figured out bananas. She eats them, but does so with the strangest expression, it must be the texture. And the Munchkin? She has always eaten just about anything that comes her way, but I am pickier with her now that she hasn't as many teeth as in her youth. She does enjoy green peppers, though, and still gets reallly excited when I feed them to her.

I should learn from my dogs, just be grateful for whatever comes my way, and eat totally healthy. Easier said than done, long term, I'm afraid...

And in other news, Nisha is having date night. I didn't even realize it was Friday! Oh Friday nite dates are my favorite thing, poor hubby he's working tonight and he is still under the weather, so no date for me. V and Rich are headed out as well to dinner, they always go out on Friday night.

John and Tonia are going to eat Mexican , that's their standing date on Friday nights. They have the BEST little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant in Franklin. Ryan and Lindsay are moved in now, the movers just left a bit ago, Ryan is a pretty sick puppy with the flu, so it looks like John and T won't be going tomorrow after all.

They are leaving for South Africa for vacation on Thursday, they certainly don't need Ry's flu bug before they go on their trip...

Hopefully hubby and I will be feeling better by Monday, we're really anxious to visit the kids...

And that's it from my little speck o' the net. Not much action Jackson around here. The most exciting thing I've done is taken an Advil Cold and Sinus which seemed to clear my nasal passages a bit. How's that for an exciting evening???


  1. well gosh i didn't realize you were sick :( but of course this post is from thursday so if i move along to the proper day i bet i will see you feeling better... i'll go and see :)


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