Friday, June 12, 2009

Spoiled little dogs…..

The M*M’s are so rotten that they won’t eat if I’m not in the room with them.  They will leave their food in the bowl until it dries up and turns brown.

I make them lunch, go in the other room, they follow me, and stare at me.  So I cave, I bring the food to where I am, and they happily eat every bite!

Are they spoiled, do you think?????

And about that flea spray.  It really works, but holy crap, my house is starting to smell like cloves.  When I go out, I smell like cloves! 

I don’t wanna smell like grandma’s Christmas cookies!!!  I called the company, asked them if they were going to make this in another scent, of course they aren’t.  But the girl did say that she sprays this stuff on herself, that its a great mosquito repellent.

I might as well go ahead and squirt it, I reek of cloves anyway….


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