Thursday, June 11, 2009

Aging and not being in the loop

I’m fifty-nine now, that big 6-0 is staring me in the face and I’m finding more and more that I have a hard time “fitting in” with our youth obsessed culture. 

My taste is diversified, I was always a fan of of magazines like Glamour, In Style, Good Housekeeping, Redbook, and Ladies Home Journal. to name a few.  But when I look thru them now, I can’t identify with the content.  Their pages are geared toward women in their thirties or forties, or young mothers and twenty somethings, all of which I’m not.  I can remember the days when I couldn’t wait for the latest Glamour to arrive in the mail, I thumbed thru one the other day and couldn’t relate to any of it. 

For a time I subscribed to MORE Magazine, for women over forty, but now it’s hard to identify with it when you’re approaching sixty!

It’s depressing to shop, my friends and I lament all the time about the fact that there are no great clothes for women our age.  There aren’t a lot of choices out there.  All we want are cute clothes, unique designs that don’t look like they are something our daughters would wear and definitely not things that look matronly.  But the choices just aren’t there.

The department stores are the samo-samo, the other day I was in Macy’s, it was just gawdawful stuff, and on my way out I walked thru the Junior Department.  It was filled with color and style, really great clothes, none of which would work for me, of course. It was really depressing!

Movies?  It’s rare that there is something that really appeals to me any more… And television, forget that.  Just can’t relate to what’s on the tube, maybe that’s why I’m so involved with the computer, I have more choices.

And so I trudge along, getting more and more out of sync with each birthday, wondering what it will be like for me in another ten years if I’m having these problems now.  Will I give up and just not care?

I’m not ready to settle down and read AARP Magazines, I suspect a lot of you aren’t either and can easily relate to this post,

What new interests do we develop at this age that work for us, it’s unchartered territory.  Part of it is cosmetic, do we color or go gray?  Do we need to give up the bronzer and settle for soft pink blush?  Heaven forbid we embrace mom jeans!!!   Silly stuff, I know, but we’ve changed, our bodies and looks have changed, how do we make it work now?

Is there hope, I like to think there is, I just haven’t figured out a new “fit” as I’ve moved away from the old one steadily thru the years.  I think we need a trendy magazine for women 50 and beyond.  A great television show for women our age would be wonderful.  But so far it isn’t happening…

It’s pretty bad when we have to look at what Paula Deen is wearing to get ideas.

Egads, this is a depressing post, but it’s reality…


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